What's happening at Poppins in June.
Our Biggest Morning Tea was a huge success raising $102.00 for this truly worthy cause. Thank you!
Some highlights from last month, our Junior Preschool children had a magical time out at the farm and are currently planning their next excursion. We will keep you posted.
Our Prep and Pre-School children had an exciting visit from Louise, Angela and Sonny the Sustainability Scout. Angela discussed with the children the three R’s, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. This
entailed a detail list of products that can and can’t be recycled, while, Louise talked about the importance of water sustainability and gave the children 4 easy tips to save water:
Miss Ally has returned from maternity leave this month and is joining the Nursery team Miss Caitlin is heading off on her maternity leave on the 16th June, please take a moment to stop by the nursery room and have a chat.